Running Towards a Cure for Pancreatic Cancer
This coming year, thousands of Canadians will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told there is little hope for survival. I have chosen to join Pancreatic Cancer Canada in their fight to SAVE LIVES by raising funds to support research that focuses on detecting pancreatic cancer at a earlier stage and improving treatment options. Of all forms of cancer, pancreatic is the most lethal. There is no prevention, no early detection and limited treatment options. People are shocked to learn that it claims nearly as many lives each year as breast and prostate cancer yet remains somewhat of an underdog – underfunded and misunderstood. A recent report from the non-profit institute, Charity Intelligence Canada, cited pancreatic cancer as the most seriously underfunded cancer, receiving less than 1% of research and charitable funding. As a result, only a handful of scientists concentrate solely on this disease and unlike other cancers, the survival rate has not improved in the last 40 years; it remains the only cancer with a 5-year survival rate still in the single digits at 6%. The STATISTICS CAN and MUST CHANGE! Pancreatic Cancer Canada is fighting to make a difference in the fight against this deadly disease and we are asking for your help to support them in their efforts. If you think this page contains objectionable content, please inform the system administrator. |