My Mom....My Hero!
Hi! I'm Jessica and I'm here to help raise Pancreatic Cancer Awareness. This page is to honor my Mom Rose-Anne who was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer 3 years ago, and has been battling with this illness ever since. It all began November 15, 2008, when my mom went into the hospital with abdominal pains. She was admitted, later finding out that it was her gallbladder. Further tests revealed a spot on her pancreas. After 9 days of IV, the doctors decided to do a biopsy of her pancreas, resulting in even more pain. She was sent home, and after 3 days of being at home she went back to the hospital. While in the hospital my mom was getting many different diagnoses, which left us all confused. My mom decided to seek another opinion in London. After having an MRI, the spot my mom had on her pancreas got bigger. She was given two options, one to have another biopsy or two to remove the mass on her pancreas. The doctor recommended removing the mass, so my mom agreed to do the Whipple procedure (a 7 hour surgery). April 2, 2009 my mom had surgery, and it went well, her recovery was outstanding. After sending the mass on her stomach out for tests, we were told that it was cancerous. Hearing the "C" word is frightening to us all, no one ever wants to hear it, and that day, we did...My mom began radiation and chemo in June and finished in November. She had a CT scan, the results came back that everything was good...My mom went for maintanance check ups every 3months...After a few check ups, tests showed that the mass came back, she then started chemo therapy again...Many trips to London for treatments and doctor appointments continued for about a year and half...After another CT scan, results showed that the mass spread to her liver...The rollercoaster ride we were experiencing for 2 years, was never ending....My mom was put on another type of chemo for about a half a year...In August of 2011, we found out that treatments were no longer beneficial to my mom, so the doctors stopped her treatments, leaving her with no other options....It is now November 2011, and my mom is extremely weak, tired and fragile...This has been the hardest time of my life, experiencing this for over 3 years has been really difficult for me.
November 9, 2011, my Hero passed away ... I've never met anyone stronger than her, she truly is our hero. - - - - In support of my Mom and all other Pancreatic Cancer patients, please donate to my page (click sponser me) and wear purple this month for Pancreatic Awareness Month. - - - - This coming year, thousands of Canadians will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told there is little hope for survival. I have chosen to join Pancreatic Cancer Canada in their fight to SAVE LIVES by raising funds to support research that focuses on detecting pancreatic cancer at a earlier stage and improving treatment options. Unlike other cancers, the survival rate has not improved in the last 40 years and it remains the only cancer with a 5-year survival rate still in the single digits at 6%. You can help change this statistic by joining our fight! We believe ... there CAN be a future without pancreatic cancer. We need your support to reach our goal and make this dream a reality. Thank you for helping me reach my fundraising goal and together we can make a difference! JESSICA
In Memoriam Donations in honour of my mom ... $870.00
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