A Concert for Kathy
Pancreatic cancer knows no bounds … it can strike anyone, at anytime. This past year, Kathy passed away from this devastating disease and like thousands of Canadians who are diagnosed each year, she was given little hope for survival. We have chosen to join Pancreatic Cancer Canada in their fight to SAVE LIVES by raising funds in her honour to support research that focuses on detecting pancreatic cancer at a earlier stage and improving the treatment options available for patients. Pancreatic cancer is not as well known as other cancers but it remains the deadliest. People are shocked to learn that it claims nearly as many lives each year as breast and prostate yet remains somewhat of an underdog cancer - underfunded and misunderstood. There is no prevention, no early detection, limited treatment options and no cure. Seventy-five percent (75%) of all patients die within the first year, most within the first three to six months. Only a handful of scientists concentrate solely on this disease due to the lack of funding earmarked for research. As a result, the 5-year survival rate has remained unchanged for decades; it remains the only cancer with a 5-year survival rate still in the single digits at 6%. Pancreatic Cancer Canada is fighting to change this and we are asking for your help to support them in their efforts. A Concert For Kathy I would like to thank and acknowledge the following individuals for their generous support for the Tribute Concert held in Kathy's Memory on April 1st. Together ... we CAN make a difference - Willy
Keith Adams, Affinity Insurance Services Inc., Donald & Sandra Aiken, Marcia & Michael Babcock, Loretta & Vern Baier, Emily Bajbula, Theresa Bentley, Brian & Elizabeth Boris, Bernadette & Andrew Boser, Robin & Jennifer Boyko, Lucille Bradatsch, Robert & Janice Britz, Irma & Nestor Byblow, Linda & Alex Campbell, Lorraine Churko, Cramar Industries, Ralph & Linda Dauk, Brenda Derdall, Donna Deutscher, Shannon & Howard Dobko, Karen & Arnold Dobroskay,Walter & Beatrice St. Amond-Doepker, Dr. Kamal Verma Dental Prof. Corp., Linda Dumka, Adele & Gene Dupuis, Fay Elke, Helen Engel, Marie Fitzpatrick, Dennis Forster, Priscilla & Ron Fouquette, John & Frances Gibbons, Anne-Marie & Thomas Graham, Robert & Sharon Graham, Jeannine & Maurice Halle, Lionel & Aurore Hamonic, Robert & Florence Hannah, Cheryl Harrison, Jerome & Judy Hoffart, David & Karen Holst, Hill & Gaylene Ismond, Diane & John Jasnoch, Julie Jensen, Ev & Leonard Kasakoff, Stephan Kuehnle, Carman & Elaine Kent, Larry & Eleanor Kliewer, Richard & Donna Kolla, Edna Kyrzyk, Wayne & Joanne Kzyzyk, Joan Linklater, Marie Lockert, Mark & Stacey Loopkey, Robert & Jeanine Loran, Judy Lund, Carol & Denard Lynch, Connie & Michael Lynch, J. & M. Lyons, Yvette Lyster, Barry & Irene MacDonald, Murray & Helen Mack, Arthur Marcotte, Ernest & Denise Marcotte, Louis & Helene Marcotte, Stephanie Cottee & Paul Marcotte, John & Monique Marshall, Darwin & Marina Marshall, Audrey & Bev Matushewski, Joan McDonald, Jerry & Janine Meckelborg, Linda & Ron Mortenson, My Pharmacy Ltd., Robert & Lana Noel, Emily Nolan, Lena Olson, Phillip & Pamela Pander, Linda Perrier, Wendy Perry, Dennis Piche, Keith & Hilda Powell, Prairie Lane Holdings Ltd., Ken Ramler, Richard & Sharon Riel, Andrea Riviere, Susan & Brent Sadoway, Loretta & Ronald Schmidt, Dale & Diane Smith, Joseph & Gayle Stookey, Brad Strueby, Elmer & Annabelle Strueby, Gary & Shirley Sturgeon, Sunstone Realty Advisors (2008) Inc., Lori & Garnet Tallmadge, Marion Tremblay, Gloria Usselman, Carol & Ken Wagner, Jason & Rachelle Wall, Nellie Woznica, Dave Wrubleski, Jim & Suzanne Zwaryc In Memorial Gifts
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