Miami 2014

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Support Johanna!
Miami 2014 team page

Ms. Johanna O'Reilly

100 percent of goal achieved.

Goal: $10,000.00
Achieved: $10,000.01

Make a gift!

Most of you are familiar with my fundraising efforts as this is the 6th time I will be heading to Miami to run.  I am running to honour two brave men who I lost to pancreatic cancer: Robert, my boyfriend who passed away in 2008 and my father who passed away in June 2012.  My best friends will be there with me, as they have been every year. One running and others providing much needed support and cheer. 

I've been asked many times why I chose to train through the winter months and run in Miami.  It is quite simple... I chose Miami because in 2009 the race fell on the anniversary of Robert's death and I felt it was the best way I could handle getting through that time.  I keep going year after year because I want to let people know how deadly this cancer is.   

Robert and my Dad were brave men.  Not because they "fought" cancer, but they had the courage to face the end of life without a battle, recognizing diagnosis came too late.  They had the courage to fill the last moments of their life with what mattered.  

For those who are new to this cause, below is my story.  


January will mark the 6th anniversary of Robert's passing.  He was diagnosed in September 2007 and four months later he was gone. Robert was a healthy and active individual, so the diagnosis of terminal cancer for someone who only had relatively mild stomach pains was a complete shock. What was an even bigger shock was how quickly he deteriorated. In four months he went from having stomach discomfort to not being able to digest foods properly, losing weight dramatically, no longer being able to walk and eventually no energy to raise his arm or speak. Seems like it happened overnight. It is unimaginable for anyone to go through and heart breaking to watch. 

My Dad

In the spring of 2012 I received a phone call from my sister. She confirmed what I didn't believe was possible - Dad had been diagnosed with the same disease. This time, I didn't need to do any research. I already knew about this "silent killer". I knew that survivor rates are horrendously low with only 6% of patients living 5 years after diagnosis and 75% passing away within the first year. I knew that this survival rate has barely improved in 40 years. Just over three weeks later, my father passed away at home. I promised him I would not stop fighting.

Why support Pancreatic Cancer Research?

Of all forms of cancer, pancreatic is the most lethal. There is no prevention, no early detection and limited treatment options.  It is the 4th leading cause of cancer death and claims nearly as many lives each year as breast and prostate cancer yet continues to remain in the shadows.


Pancreatic Cancer Canada is committed to making a difference in the fight against this deadly disease and I am asking for your help to support them in their efforts.

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